Wednesday, November 27, 2013

VegitariMan! is nuts,

And in other news Captain Obvious is stating what we already knew. Before I was a vegetarian, I used to hate nuts in my food. I didn't mind eating nuts, but they weren't really a big part of my menu. Now that I have my super powers, I have found that nuts are an essential part of being a vegetarian, unless nuts make you die, then they are not.  Nuts is also voted the number one answer to Nazi surrender demands ever. But nuts also have some really good things for you as well.
A new paper found in the New England Journal of Medicine, tracked people who ate one ounce of nuts per week, four times a week and every day to see how their overall health was affected. It turns out eating nuts just once a week gives you a pretty big jump in your overall health, and that increase in health increased with nut consumption per week. An ounce of nuts is a shot glass full, or a hand full.
The cool thing was, nut eaters were thinner, had better cardiovascular health, lower cancer rates and overall lower rates of death by natural causes. All types of bodies were looked at by BMI so it wasn't just that healthy people ate nuts, but unhealthy fold who ate nuts did better than those who didn't with the same habits. It also didn't matter what types of nuts were eaten, mixed nuts or peanuts (actually a legume)  were looked at as well as other categories of nuts. No word on processed or semi-processed forms of nuts were studied, so we don't know if almond butter is as good as almonds, nor do we know if cooking with nuts gives the same effects.
But nuts are high in good fats and protein, and lots of essential vitamins and aminoacids. One aside, cashews have some problems with the harvesting of them, so I tend to avoid them until a monitoring system is in place to help the harvesters of that fruit.
Also a friend of mine insisted that onions are the only thing that would make her I threw a coconut at ya'll go nuts!!!

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