Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vegetarian Conundrums at the Thanksgiving

Many of us find our vegetarianism an issue (along with global warming, equal rights, Obamacare etc) challenged by our family during Turkey day more so than any other day. So how do you not get guilted out by your family "I slaved all day....you should try this deep fried turkey....sorry, no tofu at this table" and the like. I've seen two type of folk in this problem. Some just hang back and take just a few veggy side dishes, and try not to be seen not eating the meat(s) du jour.
Others will take ALL the potatoes and say, "Hey this is all I get to eat here so I'm entitled." Well don't be bashful, but also don't violate Wheaton's Rule. Instead try all the veggy items on the table but also never come to any table (food or idea) without something to add. A basket of sweet taters is never turned down, nor are other veggy sides, but one thing you can bring is a main dish that can be a side for those who are not vegetarian and you might win some converts. At least you will have a better chance than winning that global warming argument with Uncle Bob...
So Happy Non-Turkey Thanksgiving to ya'll. And keep eating low on the food web.
Pictured is a sweet potato and carrot satay with forbidden rice, goat cheese and peanuts.

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