Thursday, November 20, 2014

Be a vegiteriman and save the planet

If you remember your high school biology, you might remember the 10% rule. It says a cow must eat one hundred pounds of grass to gain ten pounds of flesh, the other ninety percent is given off as heat, carbon dioxide and waste. So it makes good accounting sense to eat the plants instead of the cow. Now there is more data on this. Nature has a new paper out on this issue. Here is a write up by RDF. Go for the lowest point on the food web to save the world.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Recipes to follow

I've been cooking and photographing like crazy, and as I am processing the data for the blog, here are two Hufpost articles to whet your appetite. grains and seeds;

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Spiralizer

Well I've been doing this with a standard peeler, but this looks ok, but the acid test wasn't all that great. But for the money I might try it.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Food Misconceptions from Mentalfloss

I heartily endorse the first one on MSG, a very tiny percent of the population may have an allergy to it, but far less than people that have peanut allergies. And the one on washing your chicken pecked the heck out of me for trying that.....
Here is the link

Friday, September 26, 2014

Meatless day ending in Y

I don't usually get all a quiver over many of the nutrition stuff posted on the net, but this one sings out to me on reasons to cut back on buying or eating meat farmed on a large scale. When meat becomes less of a focus for our meals and at best a seasoning, we will leave the world much better for it.